Summary: Sometimes, people make the
mistake of thinking that estate planning isn’t for everyone. The truth is that
most everyone needs a plan. If you are someone who is in a long-term committed
relationship that exists outside of marriage, your circumstance may indicate a
very powerful need to engage in detailed planning. Even if you plan on
distributing all of your assets to your children or other blood relatives, your
non-marital partner may still be an integral part of your planning needs and
preferences. With a proper plan, you can make sure that you’ve done everything
necessary to protect yourself, your partner and your relatives.
The diversity of types of couples
relationships in this country is greater than ever. As part of that trend,
there are more couples who are long-term committed pairs who, despite their
status, are choosing not to marry. Some may do so for philosophical reasons.
Others, including some seniors, have financial bases for doing so, as the legal
consequences of marrying one’s new partner may include very dire negative
financial consequences.
Regardless of your reasons for not
marrying, it is important not to fall into the trap of thinking that, just
because you and your partner have not married, you don’t need an estate plan
(or plan update.) To the contrary, your status is one that strongly calls out
for careful estate planning.
Part of the mistaken thinking that
sometimes causes people to overlook their high need for estate planning is that
they think estate planning deals with nothing more than the distribution of
assets after death. This is an incorrect way to see estate planning.
Based upon this wrongfully narrow view
of estate planning, you may say, “My partner and I aren’t married. We are not
planning to marry, and we each plan to leave our respective pools of wealth to
our respective children (from previous marriages.) We couldn’t possibly need
estate planning.” That’s a mistake because there’s much more to estate planning
than just post-death distribution of your wealth.
In addition to asset distribution, a
careful and comprehensive estate plan also covers planning for events that may
happen during your lifetime. A complete plan includes a durable power of
attorney (POA) for financial decisions and a durable power of attorney for
healthcare. These documents protect you in the event that you become mentally
incapacitated (either temporarily or indefinitely) and cannot make decisions
for yourself. Your financial POA allows the person you’ve designated in advance
to step in and make decisions for you with regard to the management of your
wealth. Your financial POA agent can carry on managing your assets and paying
your bills while you are incapacitated. A healthcare POA operates similarly,
allowing the person you’ve named in advance to make your medical and personal
decisions when you cannot make them yourself. This may include decisions
regarding what medical treatment you’ll receive and whether or not you’ll go
into a nursing home.
This is an area where many unmarried
people may desire to include their partners in their planning. Even if their
goals are to leave all of their wealth to their children or other blood
relatives, they may still prefer that their partner make financial and
healthcare decisions on their behalf for any period of time during which they
are incapacitated. Whether that’s your objective due to your closeness to your
partner or the fact that your relatives all live very far away, it is important
to get that goal put down on paper in proper legal documents like powers of
attorney. Without properly executed power of attorneys in place, your partner
will very likely have no ability to make any decisions on your behalf if you’re
Powers of attorney are but one of many
potential areas where your status as a member of a commitment but non-marital
relationship could impact your estate plan. An experienced estate planning
attorney can help you identify all of your planning objectives and the best ways
to accomplish all of your needs and preferences.
This article is published by the Legacy Assurance Plan and is intended for general informational purposes only. Some information may not apply to your situation. It does not, nor is it intended, to constitute legal advice. You should consult with an attorney regarding any specific questions about probate, living probate or other estate planning matters. Legacy Assurance Plan is an estate planning services-company and is not a lawyer or law firm and is not engaged in the practice of law. For more information about this and other estate planning matters visit our website at
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