Summary: Some people think that a simple will is enough to give them the basic estate plan that they need. While a will is better than no plan at all, a complete plan contains more and can do more to protect you. One element of every complete plan is the inclusion of powers of attorney. These documents can help give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, if you cannot make decisions for yourself, the person who will be speaking for you is the person you specifically wanted to do so.
While the rate of people developing
dementia in this country has declined overall in the last few years, the news
is not all good. The popular medical website reported on a study
published in the American Journal of
Preventive Medicine that revealed that, although the overall rate has
dipped, rates remain higher in rural areas of the country. Another conclusion
of the study was that the incidence of cases of dementia is expected to double
by 2050 due to the Baby Boomers.
Whether or not you are a Baby Boomer,
dementia is a possibility for which everyone needs to prepare themselves. One
aspect of this preparation is estate planning. There are two powers of attorney
that will appear in most any complete estate plan. One is the healthcare power
of attorney. This document allows you to name the person (your “agent” or
“attorney in fact”) who will make your personal, medical and other healthcare
decisions on your behalf in you cannot make them for yourself due to dementia
or another form of incapacitation. (The law also allows you to structure your
power of attorney such that the designated powers become effective immediately,
as opposed to upon the event of your becoming incapacitated.)
As with any power of attorney, it is
important to choose your agents carefully and thoughtfully. Your agent under
your healthcare power of attorney may have considerable decision-making
authority, including determining whether or not your will enter a nursing home.
Additionally, in some states, one document covers both the traditional
functions of a healthcare power of attorney and a living will, meaning that
your agent could also have power over your end-of-life decisions.
Another part of most every complete
estate plan is the financial power of attorney, which allows the person you
name in the power of attorney document to make decisions regarding your wealth
and your assets. This power of attorney can grant very broad or limited powers,
depending on the language in your document. You can give your agent the power
simply to do maintenance activities like paying your bills, or wide-ranging
authority like buying and selling assets in your name.
Another way to ensure that the
management of your assets is handled seamlessly should you become incapacitated
by dementia is the revocable living trust. A living trust allows you to name
yourself as the initial trustee who manages all of the assets that you place
within the trust. Then, should you become incapacitated, the trusteeship of
your living trust will transition from you to the person you named in the trust
document to serve as your successor trustee. A properly funded and maintained
living trust may help you and your family avoid the need for a conservatorship,
which can be an intrusive, expensive and stressful court action.
This article is published by the Legacy Assurance Plan and is intended for general informational purposes only. Some information may not apply to your situation. It does not, nor is it intended, to constitute legal advice. You should consult with an attorney regarding any specific questions about probate, living probate or other estate planning matters. Legacy Assurance Plan is an estate planning services-company and is not a lawyer or law firm and is not engaged in the practice of law. For more information about this and other estate planning matters visit our website at
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